Eurasian Review of Business and Finance

Eurasian Review of Business and Finance

Eurasian Review of Business and Finance, 2017, Volume 1, Issue 1, 10-17.

Review of Literature on Sectoral Interactions of Financial Sector Development


Department of Banking and Finance, Faculty of Economics & Administrative Sciences, University of Kyrenia, Karakum, Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus, Via Mersin 10, TURKEY.; 
E-mail: [email protected].


This article reviews the literature studies on the sectoral interactions of financial sector development. The economic sectors such as foreign trade, industry, and tourism have been taken into consideration with this respect. The study reviews this literature based on three major distinctions: Time series studies for individual country contexts, panel data studies and cross sectional data studies for group of countries or regions. The major conclusion of this study is that although huge number of studies have been carried out for financial sector development, consensus on its impact on the economic sectors are of still mixed findings.

JEL Classification: B26; C10; E44.

Keywords: Financial Development; Review; Literature.

*Corresponding author.