Eurasian Review of Business and Finance


1. Submission

Articles submitted to ERBF can be theoretical, empirical or policy oriented. Manuscripts must be written in good English and should be electronically submitted via the manuscript submission system.

If you have any difficulties regarding with the submission system, submissions are welcomed by email to the ERBF Editorial at [email protected]

Manuscripts should be submitted as a single Word file including all materials. Any opinions expressed in articles are only those of authors and not necessarily those of the editor, the associate editors or the publisher. Authors are personally responsible to obtain permission for reprint of previously published material in other sources. 

There is No submission fee, publication fee or additional costs for each accepted article.

2. Manuscript:

Manuscripts must be unpublished and typed with double-spacing throughout on one side of preferably A4 or letter size paper, with a large left-hand margin. The title page must include an abstract that is no longer than 250 words, key words and JEL classification numbers. Full contact information for all authors must also be provided on a separate page. References must strictly meet the journal’s style requirements.

3. Title Page:

The first page of the manuscript must contain: the full title; the affiliation and full address of all authors and the corresponding author; the second page must contain an abstract of 250 words or less, and this page should not include author(s) names.

4. Abbreviations:

Any word or words to be abbreviated should be written in full when first mentioned followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.

5. Illustrations:

All illustrations of any kind should be submitted as sequentially numbered figures, illustrations should not be inserted in the manuscript but supplied either after the main body of the text or uploaded as separate files.

6. Tables and Supplementary Material:

Data must be kept to a minimum. Tables should be numbered and headed with short titles. As with illustrations, they should not be inserted in the manuscript but supplied either after the main body of the text or uploaded as separate files.

7. Acknowledgements:

Acknowledgments should appear at the end of the text.

8. References:

The Harvard system should be used in referencing. When quoted in the text the style is: …Granger (1969)… . or (Johansen and Juselius, 1990) or …Arestis et al. (2001). References are listed alphabetically after the text. Journal and book titles should be written out in full.
Examples are:

Balaguer, J. and Jorda, M. C. (2002), Tourism as a Long-Run Economic Growth Factor: the Spanish Case, Applied Economics, 34: 877-884.

Enders, W. (1995), Applied Econometric Time Series, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., U.S.A.

Murinde, V. (1996), Financial Markets and Endogenous Growth: An Econometric Analysis for Pacific Basin Countries, in Hermes, N. and Lensink, R. (ed.) (1996), Financial Development and Economic Growth: Theory and Experiences from Developing Countries. London: Routledge, 94-114.

9. Footnotes:

These should be numbered consecutively in the text and gathered on a separate sheet of the manuscript.

10. Copyright:

Submission of a paper to the Eurasian Review of Business and Finance will be taken to imply that it presents original unpublished work, not under consideration elsewhere. A copyright assignment form will be sent to the authors of accepted papers. This publishing agreement should be completed and returned to the editorial office. It is a condition of publication that authors assign copyright or license of the publication rights in their articles, including abstracts, to the Eurasian Review of Business and Finance. This enables us to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and of course the Journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors are themselves responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce copyright material from other sources.

11. Permission:

Permission to publish illustrations must be obtained by the author before submission and any acknowledgments should be included in the captions.