Eurasian Review of Business and Finance (ERBF) is an international, peer-reviewed journal aiming to publish high-quality research findings in all sub-areas of business and finance and to bring new perspectives to theoretical and empirical research. Being an international journal, the audience of the ERBF includes academics, researchers, graduate students, policy-makers, regulators, standard-setters and professionals in the fields of business, economics, and finance. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, research funding organizations, governmental and international agencies, financial institutions and exchanges, regulatory institutions and individual researchers. Finally, the ERBF aims to provide opportunities for younger academicians to publish high-quality papers; thus, providing a forum where young generations can contribute to new economic perspectives both in theory and practice.
Scope of ERBF can be summarized as below:
Financial Institutions and Markets for Sustained Development
Implementation of Basel II / Risk Management
Financial Engineering/ Derivatives / Hedge Funds
Interest-Free Banking/ Islamic Finance
Corporate Governance/ Ethics / Social Responsibility
Entrepreneurship/ SME Finance / Microfinance
Country Risk/Debt Issues/ Global Financial Crisis
Emerging Markets/Privatization
International Capital Structure Issues for Firms
Initial and Seasoned Public Offerings and Equity Restructuring
Investment Banking and Issuing of Corporate Securities