Eurasian Review of Business and Finance

Eurasian Review of Business and Finance ISSN:2522-266X

The Eurasian Review of Business and Finance (ERBF) is an interdisciplinary, scholarly journal, which is blind peer-reviewed and published semi-annually. The journal`s focus is on theories, methods and applications related to new developments and perspectives in the fields of Business and Finance.

All submitted articles should be original and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts should follow the format style of the journal.

ERBF reviews papers within approximately two months of submission and publishes accepted articles in the relevant forthcoming issues upon receiving the final versions.

Eurasian Review of Business and Finance

2 issues per year

Bibliographic Information

Eurasian Review of Business and Finance
Volume 1 Issue 1 2017
ISSN (Online): 2522-266X

Copyright and Reprint Permission

Indexing or Abstracting is permitted with credit to the source. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the journal.

Special Issues

Guest Editors are kindly invited to produce Special Issues consisting of articles organized around a theme of particular interest. These special issues are often edited by guest editors who are not on the editorial board. Proposals for Special Issues are most welcomed as are Guest Editorials and Announcements.


Rationale for launching the journal

The ERBF is a new international, peer-reviewed journal aiming to publish high quality research findings, developments, perspectives, problems and other issues in all sub-areas of business and finance.

Editorial Objectives and Coverage

ERBF welcomes articles from different regions of the world and aims to publish articles that can be theoretical, empirical and/or policy oriented. The basic aim of the journal is to encourage research on new developments and perspectives mainly in the fields of business and finance.

Target Market

Being an international journal, the natural audience for ERBF includes students, academics, researchers, policy-makers, regulators, standard-setters and professionals in the fields of business, finance and management. Likely subscribers are universities, research institutions, research funding organizations, governmental and international agencies, financial institutions and exchanges, regulatory institutions and individual researchers.

Key Research Areas Covered in the Journal

  • Financial Institutions and Markets for Sustained Development
  • Implementation of Basel II / Risk Management
  • Financial Engineering/ Derivatives / Hedge Funds
  • Interest Free Banking/ Islamic Finance
  • Corporate Governance/ Ethics / Social Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurship/ SME Finance / Microfinance
  • Country Risk/Debt Issues/ Global Financial Crisis
  • Emerging Markets/Privatization
  • International Capital Structure Issues for Firms
  • Initial and Seasoned Public Offerings and Equity Restructuring
  • Investment Banking and Issuing of Corporate Securities
  • Information Technologies and e-finance
  • Market Behavior/Efficiency/Inefficiency
  • Multinational Financial Management
  • Financial Accounting, Regulation, Taxation, Compliance
  • Quantitative Finance/Econometrics/ Financial Modeling
  • International Project Financing/Risk Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • E-business
  • Services
  • Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Information Technology Management
  • Production & Operations Management
  • Decision Analysis
  • Management Research Methods and Managerial Economics

Submission Guidelines

The ERBF is an international journal that aims to publish articles in all areas of business and finance. All papers are subjected to a blind peer-review process. Manuscripts are invited from academicians and practitioners for publication consideration. The journal welcomes submissions in all areas listed above as key research topics of the journal. Each manuscript must include at most a 250 word abstract. Authors should list their contact information on a separate paper and suggest JEL classification code for their articles. Articles submitted to ERBF can be theoretical, empirical or policy oriented. Manuscripts must be written in good English and should be electronically submitted via the manuscript submission system.

If you have any difficulties regarding with the submission system, submissions are welcomed by email to the ERBF Editorial at [email protected]

  • Articles are accepted in MS-WORD or PDF format via electronic submission.
  • Contributors should adhere to the format of the journal.
  • All correspondence should be directed to the editor(s).
  • All submissions should include the JEL classification codes.
  • There is No Submission/Publication Fee.
  • Authors should ensure that their articles should be written in good scientific English before publication. 
  • For more information please see Instructions for Authors.